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Shigeru Matsumoto

Shigeru Matsumoto joined the Aoyama Gakuin University faculty in 2008. He studied on Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship at North Carolina State University, where he earned his Ph.D. in economics. He also holds his Masters of Environmental Science from Tsukuba University. Before coming to Aoyama Gakuin University, he spent seven years on the faculty of Kansai University.


His research interest lies in the applied welfare economics, with particular focus on consumer behavior analysis. In recent years, he studies households' pro-environmental behaviors such as recycling and energy-saving practices as well as consumers' valuation on food attributes such as organic farming. He teaches courses on Environmental and Agricultural Economics at Aoyama Gakuin University.


松本茂は、2008年から青山学院大学へ勤務している。彼は平和中島財団の奨学生としてノースカロライナ州立大学で学び、 そこで経済学のPh.D.を取得している。また、筑波大学から環境科学修士を授与されている。青山学院大学への奉職前、松本は関西大学に7年間勤務をしていた。


My Hometown

I grew up in a historic Japanese city, Kamakura. The city faces the Pacific Ocean and has a good weather condition. There are Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples all over the city. Many tourists from all over the world come to Kamakura.




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